Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Garbage Problem Of Victoria Bc - 918 Words

The purpose of the memorandum is to inform about the garbage problem in Victoria BC. Also discuss the importance of the landfill diverse and some solutions for Camosun College. Baila Lazarius from Business Vancouver magazine, says that according to Metro Vancouver estimated that 250,000 tonnes of food scraps enter landfills each year. The food waste produces greenhouse gas methane that contributed with the global warming. It costs 109$ per tonne according to Albert Shammes director of waste management for the City of Vancouver. The amount of garbage humans throw away is rising fast and it will not change without transformational changes in how we use and reuse materials. With the purpose of build conscious about this topic, in the past 2 weeks ago in November 24 as a project in my economic class, we went to the Hartland landfill in #1 Hartland Avenue. In the landfill a tour guide explain us the process that the garbage and recycle have to be exposed there. Briefly when the garbage and recycle are separated, the garbage is placed in hectares that later of time to be compacted for a car, it is cover with sawdust or wood power. On the other hand the recycle are separated in container by the staff and later sell it to companies. With the found they get from sell the recycle and the amount paying by householders is actually what helps the landfill to be sustainability. Hartland practices some ecofriendly activities to diminish the impact ozone layer, for example in someShow MoreRelatedThe Marijuana Growers Guide9909 Words   |  40 Pagesuse of the criminal sanction. Laws protecting public safety, such as driving while under the influence of any substanc e, would still be kept on the books. However, as consumers we have an additional responsibility: we must begin to address the problems of supply and demand. It is essential that we take upon ourselves the task of proposing viable solutions to the current unworkable prohibition. With this is mind, numerous cannabis reform organizations around the world have begun exploring modelsRead MoreVarian Solution153645 Words   |  615 PagesChapter 1 NAME The Market Introduction. The problems in this chapter examine some variations on the apartment market described in the text. In most of the problems we work with the true demand curve constructed from the reservation prices of the consumers rather than the â€Å"smoothed† demand curve that we used in the text. Remember that the reservation price of a consumer is that price where he is just indiï ¬â‚¬erent between renting or not renting the apartment. At any price below the reservationRead MoreAn Evaluation of an on-Farm Food Safety Program for Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Producers; a Global Blueprint for Fruit and Vegetable Producers51659 Words   |  207 Pagesall types of risk managers (government officials, private sector businesses, individual members of the public) make good risk management decisions. The framework has six stages (Figure 1.2): †¢ define the problem and put it in context; †¢ analyze the risks associated with the problem in context; †¢ examine options for addressing the risks; †¢ make decisions about which options to implement; †¢ take actions to implement the decisions; and, †¢ conduct an evaluation of the action’sRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 PagesOrganizational Cultures in MNCs Family Culture Eiffel Tower Culture Guided Missile Culture Incubator Culture 170 174 176 176 177 178 Managing Multiculturalism and Diversity Phases of Multicultural Development Types of Multiculturalism Potential Problems Associated with Diversity Advantages of Diversity Building Multicultural Team Effectiveness A Successful Multicultural Workforce 180 180 182 183 185 185 187 The World of International Management—Revisited Summary of Key Points Key Terms Review

Friday, December 20, 2019

Fracking Is It Worth The Risk - 961 Words

This week’s discussion was to be on â€Å"environmental and economic issues† which we’re facing in our home countries, I decided to do mine on fracking. I’m sure most of us in the US have heard about fracking. There are pros and cons to it, the pro side is that it taps into the natural gas within the earth and provides a natural resource. This, in turn, will allow the US to reduce their reliance on foreign oil. The con side is what it is said to be doing to the earth. The technology isn’t new and neither is the knowledge that there is natural gas and oil below the earth’s surface. However, there’s growing concern from environmental groups concerned with how much harm is being done by pumping water and chemicals into the earth. I’ll only give a few examples of each, considering how many there are. The whole debate has many people are asking â€Å"is it worth the risk?† What exactly is â€Å"fracking†? â€Å"Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at the rock to release the gas inside. Water, sand and chemicals are injected into the rock at high pressure which allows the gas to flow out to the head of the well.† (Megan Caponetto and Tom Schierlitz, BBC UK, What is fracking and why is it controversial?, 12/16/15). I went with this BBC quote because it’s challenging to find a proper definition without bias. From what I’ve seen and heard, to frack they drive multiple tanker trucks into the area filled with a mixture of water andShow MoreRelatedThe Economic Report On Fracking, Is It Worth It?1465 Words   |  6 PagesWeekly Economic Report Fracking, is it Worth it? Ron Withall Business 630, Dr. Lynn Reaser SUBJECT Our dependence on foreign oil and natural gas has created a vulnerability affecting our national security and economic stability. Up until this past decade there was an appreciable decline in our oil and natural gas production in the US and we were tied to world market price fluctuations. Oil prices and natural gas prices rose and fell based on OPEC’s and other large oil and natural gas producers’Read MoreFracking And Its Effects On The Environment856 Words   |  4 PagesFracking is one the most recent and efficient methods to create energy. In order to obtain this controversial natural gas, new jobs are created in rural areas, and as expected, electric bills decreased. Furthermore, Fracking creates enormous amounts of gas at an inexpensive price making the production of any other form of energy practically obsolete. Although not all countries or states in the United States think alike, some of them dispute the claim that fracking negatively affects the environmentRead MoreEssay on Natural Gas Fracking Risks1519 Words   |  7 Pagesis produced when trapped gas is released above ground. Hydraulic fracturing or fracking is a process that extracts natural gas from the ground. As harmless as the billion dollar producing oil companies would want us to believe, environmental groups, scientists, and average citizens have raised concerns about the negative impact of hydraulic fracking on the environment and surrounding communities. Hydraulic fracking is used in the natural gas drilling booms, like the one in Louisiana. â€Å"ModernRead MoreRisk Reward and Fracking1326 Words   |  6 PagesRisk Reward â€Å"Fracking provides a source of energy that is not only new but also relatively clean, cheap, without political strings† (, 2014, para. 3). 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These emissions cause effects worldwide;Read MoreHydraulic Fracturing Is Risky And Dangerous For The Environment1153 Words   |  5 Pagesplace in the United States that didn’t have fresh water? A place that didn’t get the attention the residents of Flint did. Well there is. Everywhere there is Hydraulic Fracturing, there is a risk that your tap water will become polluted. Hydraulic Fracturing is risky and dangerous for the environment and not worth the benefits of natural gas. Hydraulic Fracturing is a process that involves drilling a well and injecting water at high speeds to break up rocks and minerals underground and allows naturalRead MoreReplacing Our Energy Sources Debate Essay558 Words   |  3 Pagesgeopolitical front. Nuclear fission remains a debatable alternative, considering the risks involved in a catastrophic meltdown and the absence of a long-term waste storage solution. The successful advance of horizontal drilling by the energy industry combined with the existing technology of hydraulic fracturing which has been presented as a means to solve both problems at once. It would provide access to 100 years’ worth of energy in the form of natural gas located in our own borders thousands of feetRead MoreHydraulic Fracturing And Its Effects On The Environment1737 Words   |  7 PagesFracturing is worth the risks it poses on the environment, because it will bolster the U.S. economy and foreign policy, provide billions of Petroleum barrels and trillions of square feet of natural gas, and it is not as harmful to the environment as other forms of oil and natural gas extraction. Hydraulic Fracturing is becoming a widely used natural method of Petroleum and Natural Gas extraction. Hydraulic Fracturing can also be referred to as Hydro Fracking, or just Fracking. Fracking has become veryRead MoreA Brief Note On Environmental Injustice And Fracking1341 Words   |  6 Pages October 8, 2015 Environmental Injustice and Fracking Recently, North Carolina has been conducting pilot studies to determine whether or not hydraulic fracturing should be pursued in the state’s shale beds, a topic that causes much polarized debate. Hydraulic fracturing, otherwise known as â€Å"fracking,† uses water, sand, and chemicals to release natural gas from as far as 10,000 feet below the Earth’s surface. Supporters of fracking claim that natural gas is an ideal â€Å"bridge fuel† as theRead MoreFracking the World: The Marcellus Shale Essay1162 Words   |  5 Pagesgiven special accommodations not to have to follow through with laws that have already been passed? Lastly is the benefits of fracking for natural gas worth all the damage it is causing? To better understand the points I am hoping to make with this research paper, you must first have a general idea of what Hydraulic fracturing is and its process. â€Å"Hydraulic fracturing â€Å"fracking† is a technique for tapping unconventional oil and gas reserves that are otherwise inaccessible. In the early 2000s, energy

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Accounting Elites and Accounting Theory

Question: Discuss about the Accounting Elites and Accounting Theory. Answer: Introduction The Volkswagen case is in like manner an instance of how business orders approach making. Legislative issues shape corporate organization by setting chooses that associations are bound by and budgetary spurring strengths habitually accept an immense part in sketching out political slants. Proprietors, boss, and masters are responsible for getting the laws and headings they have to individuals by and large field to get their favored corporate organization result. Shareholder logic says that executives have the dedication to extend the rate of return and they are consistently the ones who need to confront beyond reconciliation conditions whether it is from wellsprings of compensation or hostile circumstances from apportioned shareholders or open/social targets (Demski, 1988). If corporate organization reporting standards are high, then it will be more troublesome for associations to submit distortion later on. Volkswagen emanation embarrassment is one of the significant outrages for th e association. For this circumstance up to 11 million overall buyers are conceivably impacted. This is possibly a phenomenal mass business ethics dissatisfaction in regards to scale and reputational hardship. Regardless, addresses stay with reference to whether this event will by and large change how associations are run Main theme of the paper In this paper the specialist will showcase the fact and identified with the well known engine auto producer Volkswagen and their few outrages in the aggressive business sector. To relieve the outrage and to attempt in the commercial center the administration of the association needs to actualize some efficacious bookkeeping hypotheses in the business process. The crucial concepts of bookkeeping are managed and categorized by different types of issues related to accounting. Overall computed framework is made by the board of FAS board, overall monetary policies and principles are set by this board. For understanding the overall accounting concepts and theories; accountants and economists have focused on the previous research papers. After having all those data, they set overall accounting framework. General study depends on the bookkeeping speculations and its illustrations with respect to the Volkswagen auto producer (Bryer, 2013). In this exposition the specialist has talked about th e conceivable issues identified with the bookkeeping and budgetary point of view of the association and how it can influence the partners of the association. In this exposition the specialist has portrayed the handiness and subjective qualities of the association and the applied structure for the bookkeeping speculations which advances the data with respect to the money related point of view of the association like Volkswagen and its pertinent, equivalent and dependable information. Because of the few embarrassments in the business sector the partners of the organization like Volkswagen are influenced in a few viewpoints in their business procedure. The principle partners of the association are clients, workers, merchants, shareholders, administrators and the administration staffs of the association. Volkswagen concentrated on a procedure that, if revealed, was ceaselessly going to wreck for both their essential concern and their reputation. They adjusted their automobiles to evade area. It wasn't an oversight or an incident; it was an intentional deluding when their whole picture suggestion relies on upon security and common insight (Jnsson, 1991). The expense of environmental security is everlasting and self-ruling deliberateness - nearby improved releases tests in genuine conditions. By then Volkswagen drivers may eventually have the ability to flash each other peace signs without feeling like they're smothering the planet. Clients of the association confront a few challenges in the phase of embarrassment period inside the association. The clients are managing the review bothers at the season of emanation embarrassment. At the season of outrage period the clients of the association confronts shame and outrage because of the purchasing of a less faithful and sparkling auto model in the business sector.Workers are the fundamental partner of the association. Because of the issues of the responsibility the representatives can confront a few challenges in their managing examination and frequently they confront some embracement in their business. The shareholder of the association has frequently enduring stunning in their business viewpoint. In all likelihood unrecoverable decency misfortunes, organizing various sorts of principle suit in numerous locales in their business procedure. Each and every business organization wants to be sustainable in the market so that it can face any kind of challenge during financial disaster. This could only be possible if the organization gets support from their workers and other stakeholders. It has been observed through analysis that sustainable organizations prepare the framework of the business on the basis of situation or demand. Volkswagen is a sustainable organization and this is reason management follows different framework so that it can fight with different disasters (Whitley, 1988). The supervisor of the respective company has tough duty to forecast the principles for getting long targets and goals. Cash related reasonability is about adaptability. Temperate associations can survive dazes, whether from budgetary crises or trademark cataclysms. This adaptability begins from strong relationship with their agents, their gatherings, and nature. Supportable associations keep away from clashing with the very structures that ensure their whole deal accomplishment. It is too tough for the management or supervisor to decide whether taken strategy would be helpful or not. In cases like Volkswagen, the pioneers were exceedingly shown individuals enveloped by unbelievable accomplices. There was no absence of theme dominance. Through the open minded mentality and thinking of the Volkswagen Company can lead the business towards a better direction and this has been the main aspect of the Volkswagen success factor. Due to these issues, the respective company is now on the top of milestones. By the assistance of various responsibility speculations the association like Volkswagen can relieve their danger and issue identified with their business prospects. Diesel is preferable known in Europe over in America, in immense part as an aftereffect of natural testing measures. Gas engines exude more carbon dioxide, diesel engines, which are more gainful fuel-wise, transmit considerably more nitrogen oxides (NOx) than gas engines. Since the presentation of the US Clean Air Act of 1970, NOx transmissions are subjected to more stringent controls than COà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ releases here, while over the lake, COà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ is more solidly controlled than NOx. Along these lines diesel autos make up 33% of the explorer vehicle fleet in Europe anyway it is a relative anomaly in the U.S. Volkswagen, which makes an extensive parcel of the savages, thought up and presented a code functioning as a "whipping contraption" to sense when one of its diesel vehicles was being striven for ni trogen oxide releases test. Once a test was recognized, the item would diminish torque and NOx releases, while under normal conditions, that is, the time when the vehicle was not being striven for radiations, the auto would be guided by an alternate venture that would grow accelerating, torque, and mileage (Montagna, 1991).Viability and corporate social commitment are troublesome. Every boss goes up against tradeoffs between the transient and the whole deal, between quarterly advantages and the more drawn out term characteristic impact, between their yearly pay and the survival of the business. We endeavor to instruct our understudies to grasp the unpredictability of managerial fundamental initiative. Business pioneers need to face these tradeoffs, not ignore them. Conclusion While it is still too early to know where to lay the shortcoming in the VW insult, power disillusionments of this compose are routinely due to a failure in character, not a nonappearance of aptitudes or duty. The three sections that reinforce awesome activity are character, capacities and obligation. If any of these is inadequate concerning, the shortage will undermine substitute sections and, finally, incite execution issues for pioneers, affiliations and their accomplices. References Bryer, R. (2013). Americanism and financial accounting theory Part 3: Adam Smith, the rise and fall of socialism, and Irving Fisher's theory of accounting.Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 24(7-8), pp.572-615. Demski, J. (1988). Positive accounting theory: A review.Accounting, Organizations and Society, 13(6), pp.623-629. Jnsson, S. (1991). Accounting elites and accounting theory: A reply to Paul Montagna.Accounting, Organizations and Society, 16(1), pp.101-103. Montagna, P. (1991). Accounting elites and accounting theory.Accounting, Organizations and Society, 16(1), pp.93-99. Watts, R. (1992). Accounting choice theory and market-based research in accounting.The British Accounting Review, 24(3), pp.235-267. Whitley, R. (1988). The possibility and utility of positive accounting theory.Accounting, Organizations and Society, 13(6), pp.631-645.